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We make no warranties, representations or undertakings about any of the content on the website, for example in relation to quality, accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of such content.
The description of the College's courses on the website provides general information, however, for various reasons, the courses actually delivered may be different. For example: funding for a course (whether from the Government or from the College's charitable donations or other sources of income) may be reduced or withdrawn; there may be insufficient interest in a course which means that it is unviable to deliver; there may be a change to the College's other resources, such as staff or accommodation, which affect the delivery of a course.
A change could involve the replacement of a course with a new course, variations to course content or structure, the merger of courses, or the withdrawal of a course. If there is a change to a course about which you have expressed an interest, the College will let you know as soon as reasonably practicable.
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