Education Scotland
Education Scotland has created a new quality framework, How Good Is Our College, to allow colleges to scrutinise their work, evaluate what is working well and what could be better.
The framework aims to integrate Education Scotland’s evaluative activities and the Scottish Funding Council’s Regional Outcome Agreements and requires colleges to promote equity, ensuring that all learners have the best chance of a successful outcome.
The New College Lanarkshire Evaluative Report (2017-18) was published on 26 February 2019. The report praised the College for leading in skills development both locally and nationally. It identified that improvements have been achieved in 2017-18 in early withdrawal levels and success of FE-FT learners, but recognised areas that still need to be addressed to ensure that improvement made is consolidated and built upon.
Bringing Education Closer
We are committed to enhancing the prospects of individual learners and contributing to the overall Scottish economy.