Modern Apprenticeship

Business and Administration Level 2

SCQF Level 5 | 12 months 

Modern Apprenticeships offer anyone aged over 16 paid employment combined with the opportunity to train for jobs across a wide range of sectors. They are an exciting way of gaining skills and qualifications that will help to start a career without having to study full-time. Modern Apprenticeships are supported by the Confederation of Business and Industry, the Trade Union Congress and a wide range of employers. All the Modern Apprenticeship frameworks are developed by the appropriate sector skills council in consultation with their industry. Modern Apprenticeship frameworks can also be used as the basis for training more established employees.

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Ready to take on an apprentice?

New College Lanarkshire is dedicated to supporting and enhancing your business. We consistently evaluate our curriculum to guarantee that your apprentices receive training aligned with their roles and uphold industry excellence. Begin now by filling out our short inquiry form.