Lanarkshire Business Hub

Hosted by New College Lanarkshire and supported by North and South Lanarkshire Councils, the Lanarkshire Business Hub (LBH) has more than 300 members from businesses across Lanarkshire and Central Scotland.

Why join LBH?

Our membership encompasses a wide range of business sectors, and we welcome everyone, from large corporations to individual entrepreneurs. Interested in becoming a member? Simply fill out our membership form.

Benefits include:

  • Free membership and attendance at all of our events
  • Transfer of business knowledge and good practice
  • Business workshops, advice and presentations 
  • Exclusive workforce training discounts
  • Access to the Hub’s online business forum
  • Funding information
  • Free advertising opportunities to College staff and learners

As a member of LBH, you will have access to monthly events which include presentations from industry experts as well as networking and business opportunities.

If you're interested in hosting an event or becoming a guest speaker, we invite you to get in touch with us.

Connect, collaborate and grow

Whether you're looking to become part of our network of professionals spanning across Scotland or have an interest in speaking or conducting a workshop at one of our events, don't hesitate to get in touch.