Childcare Funds provide non-repayable assistance for students with children in order for them to access or continue in education and are paid in addition to any other forms of student support.
Childcare funding is limited and is allocated on a first come, first served basis. Make sure you apply as soon as you have your offer.
Any student responsible for a child can apply for Childcare Fund if they meet the required criteria.
The assessment process is based on need and is tested against household income. You can apply for support based on need capped at 40 hours per week/8 hours per day.
The amount allocated is on a child per day basis.
The assistance is limited to the College Academic Calendar (37 week period) and student’s timetabled days.
Maximum of £189.00 per week regardless of number of dependent children.
The total award per student will not exceed £7,020.
Lone Parent Childcare of £1,215 can be applied for by all eligible lone parents.
All students will be liable for all childcare costs until you have been offered an award from New College Lanarkshire
To receive Childcare support, you must:
Have a dependent child or be responsible for a child (supporting documentation may be required)
Have accessed all eligible funding available to you
Have a childcare provider registered with the Care Inspectorate
You will not receive Childcare support if:
You have a household income above £46,500
You have a spouse or partner who is at home during college hours and is able and available to look after your child/children
Your childcare provider is not registered with the Care Inspectorate
At New College Lanarkshire, we have onsite nurseries at our Cumbernauld and Motherwell Campuses. Students attending our Coatbridge Campus can make an application to either of these if it is feasible from your location.
You must fill this out ASAP – applications are dealt with on a first come, first serve basis. You do not need to wait for a course offer before applying.
If you wish to use a different childcare provider please contact for the relevant forms to secure funding.
Every student will be required to complete an External Childcare Provider Form if they are using a third party provider (any childcare provider other than the College’s own nurseries)
Childcare providers must be registered with the Care Inspectorate.
Childcare will be assessed for a maximum of 37 weeks. The College does not pay for 5 weeks of College Holidays which are October (1 week), Christmas (2 weeks) and Easter (2 weeks).
Childcare will be paid in arrears, direct to childcare provider.
Childcare is capped at a maximum £7,020 per academic session, regardless of number of dependants.
A childcare remittance will be issued after every payment, to the child carer’s email address.
Students are required to appropriately engage with their studies and attend all classes where possible. Payments will be withheld if attendance falls below satisfactory levels. Any queries on non‐payment should be made, in the first instance, to the student.
Any changes to the student’s childcare contract must be provided to the Student Funding Office.
The College will only liaise with the childcare provider, with the permission of the student.
Students are liable for any notice period requested by child carer.
A contract does not exist between the College and the Childcare Provider.