Vocational programmes
The subjects and awards on offer as part of the school/college partnership have been chosen to set the young people of North Lanarkshire on the right career pathway for them.
We are offering clear pathways from SCQF levels 4 to 7 in fields identified in the Regional Skills Assessment as growth sectors in Lanarkshire. Digital and Computing skills, Health and Social Care, Construction and Creative and Digital Media are all sectors in which jobs will be available across Lanarkshire.
This allows young people in Lanarkshire to engage with these subjects in the senior phase and will enable them to become work-ready employees of the future.
Gaining a personal development award in areas such as Criminology or Sports Coaching can help a young person stand out from their peers when applying for jobs or for further study at college and/or university.
If you are interested in adding any of these courses to your curriculum offering for S4 and above, please email the team at schools@nclan.ac.uk.
All campuses
Course outline
This Skills for Work course is at SCQF level 4 and will give you an introduction to the key aspects of the various uniformed and emergency services, such as Army, Navy, RAF, Police and Fire services; and the career opportunities within them. This includes investigating the roles and responsibilities of a specific service team. Health, safety, fitness and wellbeing will be explored, and learners will participate in practical activities to promote personal fitness and the skills required to deal with unexpected situations.
Learners will research the diversity of communities and how to deal with confrontation, escalation and actions that may be necessary for the services to take to protect the community.
An essential element of UES is effective team working, learners will investigate the benefits of working together and the qualities of effective leadership and followership.
Course content
This course consists of four mandatory units:
- Introduction to uniformed and Emergency Services
- Health, safety, fitness and wellbeing
- Engaging with the community
- Working in teams
Course outline
The Certificate of Work Readiness is for S5 or S6 school leavers who are ready for a work experience placement while working toward an accredited qualification but require some guided support.
The certificate includes an employer assessed work experience placement, providing a meaningful qualification.
Course content
- Responsibilities of employment
- Dealing with work situations
- Skills for customer care
- Personal development: Self and work
- Skills Development Scotland customized unit: Practical workplace skills
Entry requirements
Pupils should be studying at National 4 level in other subjects.
Developed to help young people get into work, successful completion of this award offers improved job prospects and transferable skills that can be applied in the workplace or FE setting
Course outline
This NPA is at SCQF level 4 and is an ideal starting point for candidates wishing to pursue a career in make-up artistry. A make-up artist must be skilled in using a variety of make-up products, tools, and equipment to apply make-up designs. The course provides you with the opportunity to develop foundation knowledge and skills in make-up application for a number of different purposes
To become a good make-up artist, you must not only be skilled in the art of applying make-up you must also be a good communicator as a career in make-up artistry will mean working closely with many individuals, such as models, photographers, hairstylists, directors, production teams and camera crews. This course will enable you to develop a range of effective communication skills.
Course content
- Introduction to the Hair and Beauty Sector (2 Credits)
- Presenting a Professional Image in a Salon (2 Credits)
Entry requirements
A keen interest in make-up and a creative flair.
- Introduction to Make up Artistry (SCQF Level 5),
- NCGA Hairdressing (SCQF Level 5) or NCGA Beauty
- Care and Make-up (SCQF Level 5).
Course outline
This is an introductory Skills for Work qualification at SCQF level 4 which will develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to work in the Early Education and Childcare sector. Learners will be introduced to children’s development from 0-16 years of age and will explore the sequences and patterns of development and how they interrelate with each other. Learners will research health needs of children and the ways in which various factors may impact upon the development of the child. Learners will develop an understanding of how children benefit from a range of play opportunities through planning, participation and review of a wide range of different types of play experiences.
Different career options within the sector will be investigated, along with the skills, qualities, and qualifications necessary to gain employment.
The specific needs of babies and children in relation to care and feeding will be explored. Practical activities will be incorporated within the course to consolidate learning.
Course content
- Child development
- Play in Early Learning and Childcare
- Working in Early Learning & Childcare
- Maintenance of a safe environment for children
Entry requirements
Working towards or have gained a minimum of at least three National 4 subjects, one of which should be English.
Further study or career options would include Child-minding, Hospital play specialist, Play Worker/Assistant or Early Years Practitioner.
Course outline
This is an introductory Skills for Work qualification at SCQF level 5 which will develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to work in the Early Education and Childcare sector. Learners will be introduced to children’s development from 0-16 years of age and will explore the sequences and patterns of development and how they interrelate with each other. Learners will research health needs of children and the ways in which various factors may impact upon the development of the child. Learners will develop an understanding of how children benefit from a range of play opportunities through planning, participation and review of a wide range of different types of play experiences.
Different career options within the sector will be investigated, along with the skills, qualities, and qualifications necessary to gain employment.
The specific needs of babies and children in relation to care and feeding will be explored. Practical activities will be incorporated within the course to consolidate learning.
Course content
Development and wellbeing of children and young people
- Play in Early Learning and Childcare
- Working in Early Learning and Childcare
- Contemporary families
Entry requirements
Candidates should be working towards or have gained a minimum of at least three National 5
subjects, one of which should be English.
Further study or career options would include Child-minding, Hospital play specialist, Play Worker/Assistant or Early Years Practitioner
Course outline
This course provides a broad introduction to hairdressing, with practical experience of general salon duties, reception skills, communication, and customer care. The focus is on experiencing the salon environment and developing vocational skills, knowledge and understanding. Candidates will develop their skills in shampooing, conditioning, basic scalp massage, styling hair and basic hair colouring.
They will learn about current fashion trends, with the opportunity to experiment to produce an image that reflects these. Emphasis throughout all Units is on employability skills and attitudes.
Course content
- Hairdressing: Salon awareness
- Hairdressing: Working in a salon
- Hairdressing: Employability skills
- Hairdressing: Creativity
Entry requirements
Applicants for this course must have a keen interest in Hairdressing and have a level of general education required for SCQF Level 4.
Level 4
Introduction to NQ Hairdressing at New College Lanarkshire or employment in a hairdressing salon as a Trainee Hairdresser
Course outline
The introduction to Hair and Beauty Sector at SCQF Level 4 and 5 are designed to build an interest and passion for the hair and beauty industry, covering a wide range of skills from styling, plaiting, and twisting to make-up or nail art.
These qualifications are designed for people who want to prepare for further learning or training in the hair and beauty sector.
Course content
- Introduction to the Hair and Beauty Sector (2 Credits)
- Presenting a professional image in a Salon (2 Credits)
There are also a range of optional units including women’s hair styling, themed face painting, nail art application and salon reception duties. Pupils will have the opportunity to shape the content of the course from the full bank of units on offer.
Entry requirements
Working towards National 4 qualifications with excellent communication skills, the ability to work
independently and as part of a team, and a keen interest in beauty is essential.
Further study in VRQ/SVQ Level 2 in Beauty therapy or Hairdressing at SCQF level 5 and 6.
Course outline
This National Progression Award is at SCQF level 4/5 and enables pupils to develop basic beauty techniques relating to personal care and appearance and develop skills that will be beneficial in the promotion of appearance and wellbeing.
Practical elements of the course will be carried out and assessed in a realistic working environment while the evidence for the theoretical elements will be the collation of a portfolio and open-book written assignments
Course content
- Beauty Skills: An introduction
- Cosmetology: Make-up artistry - practical skills
- Creative nail finishes
- Hair, Beauty, and Make-up: Personal care and appearance (In conjunction with NPA)
- Develop skills and techniques for personal care and appearance for employment
- Review own personal care and appearance
Entry requirements
Working towards National 4 qualifications with excellent communication skills, the ability to work
independently and as part of a team, and a keen interest in beauty is essential.
Further study in SVQ Level 2 in Beauty at SCQF level 6 and 7.
Course outline
This course provides a broad introduction to hairdressing, with practical experience of general salon duties, reception skills, communication, and customer care. The focus is on experiencing the salon environment and developing vocational skills, knowledge and understanding. Candidates will develop their skills in shampooing, conditioning, basic scalp massage, styling hair and basic hair colouring. They will learn about current fashion trends, with the opportunity to experiment to produce an image that reflects these. Emphasis throughout all Units is on employability skills and attitudes.
Course content
- Hairdressing: Salon skills
- Hairdressing: Working in a salon environment
- Hairdressing: Introduction to Colour Processes
- Hairdressing: Creative Trends
Entry requirements
Applicants for this course must have a keen interest in Hairdressing and have a level of general education required for SCQF Level 5.
SVQ Level 5 or NQ/NC Level 5 Hairdressing at New College Lanarkshire with eventual progress to SVQ Level 3 or HNC Hairdressing or employment in a hairdressing salon as a Trainee Hairdresser.
Course outline
Skills for Work Sport and Recreation at SCQF Level 5 will take place at Broadwood Stadium/ Ravenscraig Sport Facility or appropriate school sites.
The Course content covers the main practical activities involved in carrying out a supportive role in sport and recreation environments: sourcing information about career pathways, identifying and reviewing skills and experiences; assisting with planning, setting up and delivering activity sessions; dealing effectively and courteously with clients; assisting with emergency procedures; assisting with setting up, dismantling and checking equipment and resources; helping to plan and review a training programme; and establishing good practice in identifying and reviewing goals. The Course also covers health and safety legislation and risk assessment.
All candidates should be able to demonstrate Core skills to Level 4 or 5. Although there is a substantial practical element to this award, some written and verbal explanation, in line with SCQF Level 5 is required.
Course content
At National 5, pupils will learn about:
- assisting with planning, setting up and delivering activity sessions
- assisting with setting up, dismantling, and checking equipment and resources
- assisting with accident and emergency procedures
- dealing effectively and courteously with clients, staff, and others
- helping to plan and review a personal training programme
- establishing good practice in identifying and reviewing personal goals
- sourcing information about career pathways
- identifying and reviewing skills and experiences
Pupils will develop relevant vocational skills and a variety of employability skills in the context of a sport and recreation setting.
There may also be the opportunity for pupils to specialise in a particular sporting field - such as football or rugby.
Entry requirements
No formal qualifications are required however candidates must demonstrate a keen interest in Sport exercise and fitness.
Potential entry to Level 5 NQ Sport and Fitness course or entry to Level 6 Higher NQ Sport and Fitness (with additional qualifications).
Course outline
The NPA in Cyber Security provides foundation knowledge and skills in data security, digital forensics and ethical hacking and provide a skills pipeline into the cyber security industry.
These awards are designed to raise awareness of cyber security and fill the current skills gap in this field. They will encourage learners to improve their cyber hygiene and enable them to identify security weakness safely, legally and ethically. They will also help learners to contribute more safely to virtual communities. Ethics and the law are fundamental aspects of these awards.
The aim of the award is to produce knowledgeable and skilled individuals who are aware of the potential misuses of, and unauthorised access to, computer systems but who use these competences for legal and ethical purposes.
Course content
This National Progression Award in Cyber Security at SCQF level 5 aims to provide:
- Structured contexts in which to develop knowledge and skills relevant to the use of data security, digital forensics and ethical hacking
- Opportunities to deepen knowledge and practical experience of use in personal educational, business and community contexts
- Opportunities in which to develop key cognitive skills such as problem solving, analysis and evaluation
- Opportunities to develop collaborative skills
- Opportunities to develop employment skills related to national occupational standards
Entry requirements
Core skills profile should include Literacy and Numeracy at level 4 and ICT at level 5, plus at least one additional level 4 computing unit
An NQ in Networking and Cyber Security at Level 6 as well as a number of other Computing Science courses at Further Education colleges.
Course outline
This SCQF Level 6 course has been devised in partnership with Microsoft and will give students a breadth of knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Visualisation, Word, PowerPoint, and spreadsheets.
Course content
The principal purpose of this course is to introduce Data Science and Data Visualisation to students. As we move into a highly data driven environment, Data Scientists are in huge demand as the people who can make sense of the huge volumes of data available to inform business decision making.
The following areas will be studied as part of this course:
- Data Science for Beginners
- Microsoft Office Specialist - PowerPoint
- Microsoft Office Specialist - Word
- Microsoft Office Specialist - Excel
- Microsoft Create and use analytics reports with Power BI
Entry requirements
National 5 Computing Science OR NPA Cyber Security (Level 5).
HNC Computing or HNC Cyber Security.
Course outline
This 160-hour course SCQF Level 6 course has been devised in partnership with Microsoft and will give students a breadth of knowledge of Cloud Computing, covering cloud services, Artificial Intelligence, Data in the Cloud and Spreadsheets.
Course content
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will define the next generation of software solutions and unlocks the potential to create amazing applications that improve life for everyone. This course introduces AI and the Microsoft services students can use to create AI solutions.
This course introduces Azure and the Microsoft services students can use to create cloud computing solutions. It provides foundational level knowledge on Azure concepts; core Azure services; core solutions and management tools; general security and network security; governance, privacy, and compliance features; Azure cost management and service level agreements.
Learners will be able to identify and describe core data concepts such as relational, non-relational, big data & analytics, and how this technology is implemented, through cloud data-solutions with Microsoft Azure.
The following areas will be studied as part of this course:
- MS Tech Resilience
- Taking first steps with Python
- Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals - AI 900
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - AZ 900
- Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals - DP 900
- Microsoft Office Specialist - Excel
Entry requirements
National 5 Computing Science OR NPA Cyber Security (Level 5).
HNC Computing or HNC Cyber Security.
Course outline
The National Progression Award in Legal Studies at SCQF level 6 provides candidates with the basic legal skills and knowledge required for further study and/or employment where a basic understanding of the law may enhance career prospects. The award consists of two mandatory units which are part of the NC in Legal Services. This award would be of particular value to pupils in their final year of schooling who are seeking to broaden their understanding of law and society, perhaps with a view to studying Scots law at college or university.
Course content
Candidates achieving the NPA in Legal Studies will complete two mandatory units (three SQA credits) at SCQF level 6
Completion of the NPA along with one Higher in a Social subject will allow progression to the HNC Legal Services at New College Lanarkshire.
- Scots Law: This unit provides a broad knowledge and understanding of Scots law including the sources of law and how new law is made. Pupils will learn about the differences between the criminal law and the civil law and about the structure, jurisdiction and appeals of both the civil and the criminal courts and develop knowledge and understanding of the system of criminal prosecution in Scotland, the tribunal system and the roles, appointments, and responsibilities of the legal profession.
- Crime in society: This unit enables pupils to explain what constitutes a crime in Scotland and the main principles involved in prosecution of crime and to explore the nature of crime and its effects on the individual and the community. It encourages pupils to reflect on crime and become aware of its implications.
Entry requirements
Three relevant National 5 passes, including English.
Completion of the NPA along with one Higher in a Social subject will allow progression to the HNC Legal Services at New College Lanarkshire.
Course outline
The National Progression Award in Criminology at SCQF Level 6 is designed for a wide range of learners, including: school leavers adults returning to education those who are looking to access HN programmes and will include three level Criminology units.
Course content
- Criminology: Nature and Extent of Crime SCQF 6
- Criminology: Forensic Psychology SCQF 6
- Crime in Society SCQF 6
Entry requirements
National 5 English and a Social Sciences National 5 subject.
Potential progression to NQ Psychology with Criminology or to HNC/D Social Sciences for those with two Highers.
Course outline
This National progression award at SCQF Level 6 is designed to equip pupils with various skills within the dynamic and ever-changing music industries.
Course content
This exciting and original course will introduce pupils to all aspects of the music industry. Throughout the course, they’ll be using industry standard software and hardware working on many practical projects and develop an understanding of the professional skills, work habits and attitudes expected by the industry including:
- Developing an understanding of various aspects of the creative industries and the music industry
- Radio interviewing techniques, how to promote a business and an introduction to marketing
- Arranging and managing events in the music industry
Entry requirements
National 5 English.
A variety of options from NQ to HNC dependent on the level of qualification studied.
Course outline
This National Progression Award in Exercise and Fitness Leadership at SCQF Level 6 will take place at Broadwood Stadium/Ravenscraig Sport Facility or appropriate school sites.
Pupils will develop knowledge of what is required to work in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer or Fitness Instructor. The blend of fitness-related units will allow practical and theory to be integrated to enhance understanding of industry requirements. The course can be an ideal progression route into NQ6 Sport and Fitness or the HNC Fitness Health and Exercise programme.
Course content
This course covers various aspect of fitness such as how to develop cardiovascular endurance as well as how to design and deliver circuits whilst refining technical performance in free weight exercises
Entry requirements
Pupils must be working towards National 5 qualifications in 5 subjects, a PE qualification would be desirable.
Potential entry to Level 6 NQ Sport and Fitness course Or HNC Fitness Health and Exercise (with additional qualifications at Higher Level)
The course is made up of focused components of Fitness and Football sessions. Completion of this course will help to provide employment opportunities within the sports coaching, football coaching and wider sports industry. Roles including sport and exercise science roles within football teams, including physiotherapy.
The course will teach learners how to assist with setting up coaching sessions, designing fitness programmes and and helping to develop strength, speed and power in football.
The course can be delivery at our Broadwood Campus or within the school environment.
This course is an introduction to participation in football coaching sessions such as drills for passing, shooting, attacking, defending and crossing. The course can be delivered at our Broadwood Campus or within the school environment.
This course will build on the National 3 programme, promoting participation in football coaching football sessions. The course will focus on structure and increases involvement of the players to include attacking the wide areas, midfield support, striker support and defending as a team. This course can be delivered at our Broadwood Campus or within the school environment.
This course is designed to introduce a coaching module on the basic concepts of coaching delivery, theory and practice and one fitness module of covering areas such as fitness components, nutrition and contemporary fitness training methods.
This course is delivered at our Broadwood Sports Campus.
This course is designed to introduce a coaching module on more focus on the Technical, Tactical, Physical and Psychological components. One fitness module covering areas such as components such as Strength, Speed, Power, Endurance, Flexibility, an understanding of Nutrition in terms of pre-match, match day and recovery strategies and fuelling and hydration for performance.
Coatbridge Campus
Course outline
The Music Technology Course at SCQF level 5/6/7 enables learners to develop and enhance their skills in the use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio, and in analysis of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres.
Learners use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts and develop a broad understanding of the music industry, including an awareness of the implications of intellectual property.
Course content
- Develop your skills in the use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
- How to use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts
- Develop skills in musical analysis in the context of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres
- Develop a broad understanding of the music industry, including an awareness of the implications of intellectual property
- How to critically reflect on your own work and that of others
Entry requirements
Music Technology Level 5 or equivalent.
A variety of options from NQ to HND dependent on the level of qualification studied.
Course outline
This SCQF Level 6 course will provide the foundation knowledge, employability skills and expertise to enable pupils to gain employment as a student dental nurse within a variety of dental settings.
Learners will attend the Coatbridge Campus for one day per week and will gain ‘hand’s on’ experience via simulated learning within state-of-the art clinical teaching rooms. The theory which underpins the role of a student dental nurse will also be delivered at the campus and this consists of specialist modules which are continually assessed.
Course content
- Dentistry: Conservative dentistry
- Dentistry: Decontamination and cross infection control within the dental environment
- Dentistry: Health and safety within a dental surgery
- Dentistry: Oral diseases - Signs, symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment
Entry requirements
Three National 5s or equivalent, one of which should be English (A-C)
Modern apprenticeship employment opportunities as a student dental nurse plus articulation onto the HNC in Dental. Long term career prospects are as a dental practice manager, dental radiographer, health promotion officer or dental hygienist/dental therapist.
Course outline
This SCQF level 7/8 course is suited to pupils who aspire to work within the fields of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry or Biological Sciences. This course will be a great addition to any students who are studying Advanced Highers in Chemistry and Biology to give the competitive edge over traditional applicants.
Course content
- DNA and Genetics
- Human Body Structure and Function
- Cell Biology
Entry requirements
An A/B pass in Higher Biology or Human Biology.
1st or 2nd year Bachelor of Science degree programmes (other Higher or Adv Higher qualifications will be required), HNC/HND Applied Science, HNC Bioscience or employment within the Life Science sector, as a junior technician.
Course outline
This SCQF Level 7 Professional Development Award in Food Science will support employment in a scientific capacity in the food and drink industry and will gives learners the option to progress directly to 2nd year at university especially when mixed with other science and mathematics-based Highers and Advanced Highers.
The course is aimed at senior phase pupils who wish to explore the food science sector as a career. Food Science and Technology has one of the highest graduate employment percentages in Scotland and the sector with the highest GDP. Successful degree graduates are highly sought after around the world.
Course content
- Microbiology of foods
- Science for the food industry: An introduction
- Food analysis
- Food composition/hygiene
Entry requirements
Learners would benefit from having gained skills in the following qualifications:
- FA Food and Drink Technologies
- FA in Scientific Technologies
- N5 or Higher Passes in Chemistry and/or Biology.
HNC/HND Applied Science/HNC Bioscience/1st or 2nd year BSc Food Science (other Higher or Advanced Higher qualifications would also be required).
Cumbernauld Campus
Course outline
The use and creation of digital media is increasing exponential as digitisation sweeps across the globe. Digital media skills are required from everyone but there is a growing demand for specialist skills in this area. Although digital media is included in a wide range of existing awards, this qualification was introduced to empower pupils in schools and colleges to focus on the unique knowledge and skills that are required from specialists in this field. Pupils will gain contemporary knowledge of digital media and develop their abilities in the application of this knowledge.
This is SCQF level 4/5 National Progression Award.
Course content
- Digital Media: Audio
The purpose of this unit is to allow learners to broaden their knowledge and acquire routine skills in digital audio such as standard MP3 or podcasts.
- Digital Media: Moving images
The purpose of this unit is to allow learners to broaden their knowledge and acquire routine skills in moving image such as digital video and animations.
- Digital Media: Still images
The purpose of this unit is to allow learners to broaden their knowledge and acquire routine skills in acquiring, editing, and presenting still images.
Entry requirements
A keen interest in digital media and working at Level 4/5.
The next level of study or the Level 6 Foundation Apprenticeship in Digital and Creative Media.
Alternatively, this qualification can support progression to a range of computing science qualifications, such as the NPA in Web Design at SCQF level 5.
Course outline
The Music Technology Course at SCQF level 5/6/7 enables learners to develop and enhance their skills in the use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio, and in analysis of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres.
Learners use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts and develop a broad understanding of the music industry, including an awareness of the implications of intellectual property.
Course content
- Develop your skills in the use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
- How to use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts
- Develop skills in musical analysis in the context of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres
- Develop a broad understanding of the music industry, including an awareness of the implications of intellectual property
- How to critically reflect on your own work and that of others
Entry requirements
Music Technology Level 5 or equivalent.
A variety of options from NQ to HND dependent on the level of qualification studied.
Course outline
This National Progression award at SCQF level 6 will exploring the distinction between sound and music and explores the possibilities of working with all sound, equipping pupils with the skills to work creatively in a range of contexts, including: film, television, computer games, music production and radio. The course will also offer pupils the opportunity to develop their confidence in using industry standard equipment and software - giving them opportunities to apply and develop their creative skills, enterprise, employability and planning whilst focusing on the music industry.
Course content
- Sound engineering and production
- Sound: Understanding the signal path
- Sound: Music remixing
Entry requirements
A genuine interest in creative music and sound production and the ability to be creative but may have little or no instrument -playing skills.
The National Progression Award opens up a very flexible route to progress to full time courses from school or college to Higher Education.
Successful completion of this NPA may provide opportunities for pupils to be considered for entry to other courses i.e., National Certificate in Sound Production. If pupils undertake the NPA in Sound Production: Recording they could also undertake further NPA programmes, e.g., the NPA in Sound Production: Live. A portfolio of two or more NPAs may provide opportunities to gain entry to a Higher National Course, e.g., HNC/HND Sound Production SCQF levels 7/8. Successful Sound Production students are capable of working in a variety of positions in the creative industries, including, but not limited to:
- Recording Engineer
- Producer
- Live Sound Engineer
- Backline Technician
- Foley Artist
- Mixing Engineer
Motherwell Campus
Course outline
This SCQF Level 5 course could be sponsored by a renewables company, with a unique insight into the renewables industry. This course will aim to enhance pupils’ employability skills. They will be encouraged to develop teamwork and practical skills. A key feature of this course is the emphasis on experiential learning.
Course content
- Energy: an introduction
- Domestic wind turbine systems
- Domestic solar hot water systems
- Employability and careers
Entry requirements
National 4s in English and Maths, or a qualification to this standard in a craft or technology subject.
If pupils do not have the above but demonstrate a keen interest and aptitude for engineering skills, they may be considered for this course.
While at school, pupils could gain two National 5’s and would be accepted onto a number of Level 5
courses - ranging from Electrical and Mechanical to Manufacturing and many more options.
Course outline
This SCQFE Level 6 is a New College Lanarkshire stand-alone unit which will give pupils the opportunity to develop practical engineering skills and apply knowledge whilst completing a team-based engineering design challenge.
Good teamwork is essential within an engineering environment as is clear communication. Completion of this unit will provide opportunities to gather evidence towards Essential Skills in ICT, Communication, Numeracy, Problem Solving, Creativity, Working with Others and Employability. Pupils will develop and apply all 12 of the meta-skills within the framework throughout the course.
The Engineering Design Challenge will be supported by an industry mentor, who will have regular input via meetings to ensure progress is being made in line with the plan developed by the team. Pupils will be expected to consider and demonstrate an understanding of safe working practice and this should be captured and form part of the final portfolio submission.
Course content
The course takes a practical approach to develop skills and understanding and requires the completion of a team-based design challenge and individual portfolio. Pupils will be required to organise, research, and design an engineering project. Topics covered include:
- Health and Safety
- 3D printing and scanning
- Traditional workshop skills used to produce parts and assembly
- Soldering
- Welding
- Milling
- Turning
- Cutting equipment for range of material types
- Hand fitting
- Programming of engineering system
- Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM), CNC Laser and Waterjet cutting machines
Entry requirements
Entry to this course is at the discretion of the centre. It would be desirable but not essential that students have attained subjects and meet the criteria listed below:
- Level 5 Graphic Communications, Design & Manufacture, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Science or Practical Electronics at grade C or above
- In 6th year at school
- Capable of working at level 6 (Higher)
- Excellent school attendance record
- Pupils undertaking this unit should be aspiring towards a career in engineering and/or progression on to further study in a related topic such as project management.
Degree programme study
Course outline
The use and creation of digital media is increasing exponential as digitisation sweeps across the globe. Digital media skills are required from everyone but there is a growing demand for specialist skills in this area. Although digital media is included in a wide range of existing awards, this qualification was introduced to empower pupils in schools and colleges to focus on the unique knowledge and skills that are required from specialists in this field. Pupils will gain contemporary knowledge of digital media and develop their abilities in the application of this knowledge.
This is SCQF level 4/5 National Progression Award.
Course content
- Digital Media: Audio
The purpose of this unit is to allow learners to broaden their knowledge and acquire routine skills in digital audio such as standard MP3 or podcasts.
- Digital Media: Moving images
The purpose of this unit is to allow learners to broaden their knowledge and acquire routine skills in moving image such as digital video and animations.
- Digital Media: Still images
The purpose of this unit is to allow learners to broaden their knowledge and acquire routine skills in acquiring, editing, and presenting still images.
Entry requirements
A keen interest in digital media and working at Level 4/5.
The next level of study or the Level 6 Foundation Apprenticeship in Digital and Creative Media.
Alternatively, this qualification can support progression to a range of computing science qualifications, such as the NPA in Web Design at SCQF level 5.
Ways to learn
Explore the following informative pages to support you and your students in starting their career journey.