Supported Programmes within Supported Learning Department

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Supported Programmes within Supported Learning Department


The Department of Supported Learning offers full-time courses ranging from SCQF Levels 1 to 3.  The main focus of our post-school transition courses is to develop and promote independence in adult life.  The department also has some 'Progression' courses which promote employability skills; often within the context of working within the voluntary sector.

Once the Department is in receipt of your application, we will invite you to attend an interview. At this stage you will be asked to provide us with information about your additional support needs and the level of support you will require at college.

Staff within the Department will then identify the most suitable course for you and, if a place is available, you will be sent a course offer. Please see below a list of available courses. 


Entry requirements for our courses vary, depending on the level students are working at. Our courses are designed to support learners both academically and socially and, as a result, our application and interview process enables us to assess an applicant's suitability to a course, rather than it being driven by strict entry requirements. 


Main Post-School College Courses

Towards Independence (TI)s a two year full-time course for students with additional support needs working at SCQF Level 1/2. TI is designed to develop students’ confidence to communicate with others, engage with the college and local community, learn new practical skills, develop communication and numeracy skills which will help them become more independent.

Independent Living Skills(ILS) is a two year, full-time course for learners working at or around SCQF level 2/3. It is designed to develop students’ independence as the progress into adulthood.  The course will focus on increasing the students’ confidence to communicate with others and engaging with their local and wider communities.  Within ILS, students will learn new practical skills, develop their interpersonal/social skills and work on key communication and numeracy skills which will help them reach their potential.  Students will also have the opportunity to develop their independence within community skills tasks. 


Main Progression/Employability Courses

Skills for Life: A progression course predominantly from students who have completed two years within ILS.  It is for learners at around SCQF level 2/3.  It is designed to build upon the skills acquired within ILS.  This will aim to provide learners with key employability skills and help to develop a CV and apply for future college courses or employment/volunteering. 

Ready for Volunteering:  A Progression course for students on Towards Independence focusing on doing things for other people within the college and within the wider community of Lanarkshire.  Students are usually expected to work at SCQF level 2. 

Ready for Retail:  A progression course which aims to help students develop key skills and qualities expected within a retail environment.  There is a purpose-built shop unit in the Motherwell and Coatbridge campuses where students will assume different roles.  Students are usually used to working at around SCQF level 2/3.