Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders
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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders
This one-day programme satisfies the training requirements for a Personal Licence Holder under The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
The course provides students with a course handbook prior to undertaking the 6 hours of training and 1 hour examination. The reading of the handbook prior to the course is mandatory and the production of personal identification is required to sit the examination.
There are no formal entry requirements. Identification (e.g. passport) is required to sit the examination.
The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 states that anyone who authorises the sale of alcohol to the public must hold a personal licence.
The BIIAB SCPLH fully meets the criteria laid down by the Scottish Government to give it the required status under the Act.
The course includes:
- Core Provision
- The Licensing Board
- Licensing Standards Officers
- Local Licensing Forums
- Premises Licence; Personal Licences
- Occasional Licences; Licensed Hours
- Extensions
- Operating Plan
- Children and Young People
- Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct
- Miscellaneous Offences; Control of Order
- Review of Premises Licence
- Associated Law
- Alcohol and its Effect
- The Environment and Social Responsibilities