Practical Welding

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  • SCQF level:-
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Practical Welding


This course is aimed at those who would like to undertake welding as a hobby. It also gives fabrication engineers an opportunity to participate in other welding processes not available at their place of employment.

This course covers practical welding in one of the following processes: Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMA), Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) or Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG). Participants to decide process.

Students will be required to have the following PPE: Coveralls or Overalls, Safety boots or shoes, FFP3 Valve respiratory mask and an appropriate welding helmet.


A keen interest in welding.

Students must be 16 by the start date of the course due to health and safety regulations.



  • Health and safety requirements.
  • Safe working practices.
  • Setting up of welding machines and auxillary equipment.
  • Practical welding skills in the downhand position.