NQ Introduction to Teaching

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NQ Introduction to Teaching


Are you interested in a career in teaching but lack the relevant qualifications? This course will set you on the right path! You will work towards gaining Higher English and National 5 Maths, both necessary for GTCS registration. You will also study British Sign Language (BSL) and Psychology elements to help set you up for a career in education.



National 4 Maths, National 5 English plus two additional National 5 subjects.

Each applicant is considered on an individual basis and previous work experience and prior learning will be taken into consideration.






This popular course allows students the opportunity to study towards Higher English and National 5 qualifications, which are required for GTCS registration.  These will be externally assessed by SQA in May 2025. Students will also study an exciting range of relevant subjects such as British Sign Language and Psychology to prepare them for a career in Education.

As part of this course, students will be signposted to volunteer opportunities to gain experience working within the community.

Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: