NQ Continuing Education with Higher English and Nat 5 Maths

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NQ Continuing Education with Higher English and Nat 5 Maths


This course provides you with the opportunity to study a variety of subjects including Higher English, National 5 Mathematics and four Level 6 social sciences units in History and Sociology.


Entry is competitive and subject to interview. Applicants will be expected to have at least three National 5s/Standard Grades although evidence of having passed at least one Higher subject would be preferred. Those who wish to study Higher English should have already achieved National 5 English or equivalent (preferred minimum of a B). Likewise, the National 4 in Mathematics, or equivalent, will be required for course entry.

Part Time applications are also welcome. Part Time learners can study one or two subjects subject to candidate suitability and available places (usually Higher English and/or National 5 Mathematics).


Higher English:

Higher English involves the study of poems, a Scottish text and a play, as well as the writing of a coursework essay (worth 30% of your final mark), the understanding and analysis of broadsheet-level articles (RUAE) and a speaking task. 70% of your mark is based upon the final examination in May. 

National 5 Mathematics:

National 5 Mathematics covers all aspects of the award and the final examination in May.

Social Sciences:

The part of the course provides you with the opportunity to study four Level 6 SQA units: two in History (Britain and Europe) and two in Sociology (Human Society and Social Issues). Incorporating the social sciences units into the programme allows you to meet the requirements of full time study (16 hours per week in class). These four units, along with a weekly Tutorial Support class, are therefore a compulsory aspect of the full-time programme.

Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: