NQ Biotechnology Applications in Food Science and Medicine

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NQ Biotechnology Applications in Food Science and Medicine


Do you want to be part of the development of new treatments for diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s to name a few or create new organs for transplants? Are you interested in nutrition and in the latest developments in food production and technology?

If so, begin your journey with this exciting new course, designed to provide a unique opportunity to learn the practical skills and gain the knowledge to pursue a career in some of the most essential and expanding sectors in the modern science industry: food science, medicine and pharmaceutical production.


Entry requirements for this course include:

  • An interest in science and applications in modern society.
  • A minimum of four N5 qualifications or equivalent grade C qualification passes. Two should be English and Maths and at least one in Biology, Chemistry or Health and Food Technology.
  • Alternatively, have successfully completed the NQ5 Introduction to Biotechnology in Food Science and Medicine
    NC5 Animal Care or other equivalent science course at level 5.
  • Completion of a detailed Personal Statement is a requirement of progression to interview.

On the course you will study subjects such as:

  • Human anatomy and physiology
  • Human nutrition
  • Microbiology
  • Biotechnology
  • Immunology
  • Practical Lab skills
  • Sustainability
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Safety requirements in the food industry
  • Chemistry
  • Maths for Science
  • Communication