NC Engineering Systems

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NC Engineering Systems


This course will provide you with the ability to develop mechanical and manufacturing technical skills, allowing you to operate within the vast field of engineering. The course is structured to include a mix of practical ‘hands on’ subjects alongside theory-based subjects, used to develop meaning and understanding. You’ll have use of the college’s extensive engineering workshops and equipment, as well as our specialist labs and automated manufacturing facilities. In addition, you’ll be taught by highly qualified lecturers who have a wealth of experience and skills all developed within the engineering sector.

After successful completion of the course, you’ll be awarded a National Certificate in Manufacturing Engineering (NC Manufacturing).


Minimum entry requirements for this course include:

  • National 5 at minimum grade C (or equivalent) in English, Mathematics and a Technical subject.


  • Successful completion of Performing Engineering Operations qualification and satisfactory completion of an aptitude test.


  • Suitable work experience within the engineering sector and satisfactory completion of an aptitude test.

Applicants whose first language is not English should have a minimum ESOL Intermediate level 2 or equivalent for NC/NQ courses and ESOL Higher for HNC/HND courses.


On this course you will cover a number of topics including:

  • Engineering Workshop Skills
  • Industrial CNC Machining
  • Engineering Materials
  • Pneumatics and Hydraulics
  • Material Removal: Milling and Turning
  • Material Removal Principles
  • Graphical Communication
  • Dimensional Control
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Computer Aided Draughting
  • Statics and Dynamics
  • Mechanical Engineering Principles

You’ll be in college 3 days per week for our fulltime students and with a day release option for apprentices. Successful completion of each subject involves a number of practical and unit assessments.

Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: