Introduction to Biotechnology in Food Science and Medicine

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Introduction to Biotechnology in Food Science and Medicine


Targeted medicine, gene therapy, artificial organs, food production as we travel to Mars – the future is here! You can be part of it with this exciting new course, designed to provide an introduction to the practical skills and knowledge required for a career in some of the most essential and growing sectors in the economy and in the modern science industry: food science, medicine and pharmaceutical production.

Upon completion of this course, you could progress onto Level 6 Biotechnology in Food Science and Medicine, or another science related course. Future career opportunities within this field include work in the NHS, or allied professions such as dietician, microbiologist, biomedical scientist, health care scientist.


Entry requirements:

  • An interest in science and applications in modern society.
  • Minimum of three N4 qualifications (preferably in English and Maths) and at least one of Biology, Chemistry or Health and Food Technology.
  • Alternatively, have successfully completed the Pathways to Animal Biology and Science or other equivalent science course at level 4.
  • Completion of a detailed Personal Statement is a requirement for interview.

On the course you will study subjects such as:

  • Human anatomy and physiology
  • Introduction to human nutrition
  • Microbiology
  • Biotechnology
  • Cell biology
  • Practical Lab skills
  • Health and Safety working in the lab
  • Sustainability
  • Introduction to Food and Drink manufacturing industry
  • Chemistry
  • Maths for Science
  • Communication
  • Complete a practical Investigation project relating to biotechnology
Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: