Hospitality Skills for Employment

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  • Duration:-
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  • SCQF level:-
  • Cost:-

Hospitality Skills for Employment


A professional kitchen has many job roles and relies on the staff working together as a team. All roles are interlinked and even the top chefs rely on their kitchen porters and assistants to make everything run smoothly. This course will train you in the standards required in a professional kitchen from dress code to safety practices and basic food preparation techniques. As part of the course you will undertake a work placement where you will perform basic tasks within a professional kitchen and work as part of the team. 



Entry to this programme will be successful completion of the Introduction to Kitchen skills or similar course at a minimum of SCQF Level 3.


You will learn skills and knowledge to be able to secure employment within the Hospitality Industry. This will include:

  • Food Hygiene
  • Health and Safety
  • Food Preparation Techniques
  • Cookery Processes
  • Customer care skills
  • Food service

The programme will include one day a week of work placement to support you in building your confidence and skills in a working kitchen or food outlet. This will support the development of the skills, knowledge and attitude you will need to gain employment.

The programme is delivered at SCQF Level 4 and is ideal for learners who have moderate learning difficulties to embrace the opportunity to gain skills and competence to work within a professional kitchen.

Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: