HND Business

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HND Business


The HNC and HND Business Awards are designed to enable you to develop the skills and knowledge that will facilitate your entry to and development within the world of business. They will enable you to acquire skills and knowledge in key business functions such as Management, Marketing, and Finance as well as helping you enhance relevant knowledge and skills in Economics, Communication, Problem Solving and Information and Communication Technology. The HND also addresses the fundamental legal knowledge required to operate in a business context.


Successful completion of a full-time HNC Business course with 15 credits that includes all mandatory units.




An HND in Business will provide a breadth of competences. The HND will extend the range of competencies covered in the HNC. The specific aims of HND Business are to:

  1. enable candidates to consider and revisit core business issues and develop a depth of understanding from a managerial perspective
  2. further develop organisational and investigative skills
  3. promote the development of transferable skills in planning, organisation and evaluation and enable the candidate to investigate business issues and problems in depth
  4. provide an advanced entry point to an organisation
  5. facilitate speed of progression within an organisation
  6. promote an advanced level of entry to further academic or professional qualification
  7. develop the underpinning knowledge which supports SVQs 

The HNC and HND in Business will provide a platform allowing you to progress to employment or further study at an equivalent or higher level. They cover a range of subject topics which are relevant to modern business practices and to university degree programmes.