HND Accounting

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HND Accounting


An HND in Accounting covers all aspects of accounting, from financial accounting to auditing to taxation. This gives you a strong foundation in accounting principles and practices, which will prepare you for a variety of career paths.

This course is for those interested in advancing their career options within an accounting environment, self-employment or furthering their qualifications. The HND Accounting award is designed to prepare students for the requirements of the Accounting sector and to develop the skills and knowledge to enable progression to university.


Entry for this course is reliant on successful completion of a full-time HNC Accounting course with 15 credits that includes all mandatory units. 



The course covers the following essential Accounting areas:

  • Financial Reporting & Analysis
  • Accounting for Specialised Transactions
  • Business Taxation
  • Management Accounting for Decision Making
  • Management Accounting for Planning and Control.


Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: