HNC Beauty Therapy

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HNC Beauty Therapy


This course prepares you with an excellent range of advanced skills for a career within the continually evolving Beauty Industry. During this one-year course it will develop your beauty therapy skills to a higher level. Equipped with a more advanced skillset you will learn the therapeutic skills and knowledge you need to move into the higher levels of the beauty industry performing a variety of more advanced beauty treatments to meet industry requirements.


Entry criteria for this course includes: Previous Beauty Therapy qualifications at SCQF Level 5, 6 or equivalent must be achieved as pre-entry requirement. Please note you must be age 16 by 30th September. This is due to health and safety requirements.

You will be invited for a competitive interview where you will get the opportunity to find out more about the course and tell us why you are interested in this subject area. Excellent communication skills and an enthusiasm for this subject is essential.

Successful completion of NC Beauty Care and Make-Up Level 5, NC Beauty Care Level 6, City and Guilds Beauty Therapy Level 2 or 3.

Please note that a Personal Statement and qualifications must also be submitted with your application.








Throughout this course, you will study the skills needed to become a qualified beauty therapist including current treatments and techniques. 

Teaching is a blend of salon-based theory and practical delivery with a strong emphasis on working on clients in the college salon. It is expected for students to also be able to complete self-directed learning on assignments and preparation for assessment out with college time. Learning activities will include demonstrations, lectures, seminars, group work, projects and assessments (open book and closed book).

Units undertaken may include:

  • Body Massage Treatments
  • Facial Therapy Treatments
  • Face and Body Treatment Packages
  • Product Knowledge
  • Contemporary Aesthetics 
  • Professional Salon Skills
  • Applied Anatomy and Physiology
  • Graded Unit 1
  • Twilight classes for Employment Experience Salon will be a part of your course to enhance skills and confidence.

Regulation uniform will need to be worn for all practical classes. Course materials are essential for participation in this programme therefore; learners are required to purchase relevant items of equipment and clothing. Students will also be expected to bring in clients for practice and assessment purposes.

Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: