Counselling Theory for Practice

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Counselling Theory for Practice


This course is ideal if you have already completed the Introduction to Counselling course to build upon the skills acquired, or if you are working as a voluntary counsellor and wish to have a greater understanding of the underpinning theories of counselling. You briefly look at the work of a number of different theorists from the three main approaches to counselling as it is practised in Britain today. During the course you are expected to maintain a journal and take part in class exercise, role-plays and discussion groups.


No formal qualifications required, however you will be expected to have completed the Introduction to Counselling unit and/or have experience of work in a counselling setting, paid or voluntary.


This unit will incorporate further knowledge and understanding of the Introduction to counselling unit previous undertaken and introduce TRIADS which are used as a practical exercise during counselling sessions.

Students will commence/continue with weekly diary entries which will be regularly reviewed by the lecturer over the 18 weeks delivery of the unit