Construction – Access to the Industry

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  • SCQF level:-
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Construction – Access to the Industry


This training programme incorporates two distinct practical trades, Bricklaying and Painting & Decorating. Introducing a variety of employer focussed activities, we aim to better prepare students to enter the construction workforce and provide a pathway to sustained employment, possibly leading to a long-term career.

The programme is perfect for students with no practical experiences and are unsure of the routes to starting work in construction. 



It is suggested that students with a current level of National 3 qualifications meet the profile for this course.

Candidates will need to evidence both a strong desire to enter the Construction Industry and a commitment to the engage with the varied elements of the course.


You will undertake a number of units including:

  • Employability and Behavioural Skills
  • Bricklaying
  • Painting & Decorating


Where can I go from here?

Graduates of this course will be able to go directly into the following courses: