BSc Collaborative Health and Social Care - Year 3

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BSc Collaborative Health and Social Care - Year 3


This Level 9 course is the next level of the BSc in Collaborative Health and Social Care delivered in conjunction with University of the West of Scotland. To apply you should be progressing through Level 8 of the course. At the end of the year, you will receive the BSc qualification, and there will be a further option to do honours  beyond that should you wish to.



Completion of Year 2 by the beginning of the course


The approach will be hybrid with face-to-face delivery and some online reflecting the model across the degree with UWS.

Units will include:

  • Critical Research Appraisal
  • Therapeutic Communication
  • Context of Integration
  • Supporting People Facing Loss
  • Contemporary Issues In Health and Social Care
  • Living Well with Dementia 

Each of these modules will provide a comprehensive learning experience which will lead you to your chosen pathway of continuation of study or practice.