BA Musical Theatre
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BA Musical Theatre
The BA Musical Theatre course at New College Lanarkshire, in collaboration with Queen Margaret University, is intended for those with excellent singing, acting and dance ability and aims to produce all round performers. All our expert teaching staff retain close links with the industry and will provide you with the necessary training to develop the skills and versatility needed to meet the demands of current professional practice in the musical theatre industry.
To be accepted on to the BA Musical Theatre programme, it is a requirement that students have previously gained an HND in Musical Theatre or an HND in a related subject (e.g. Acting). Entry is by audition only, where candidates will be asked to perform in front of an audition panel, take part in a practical dance workshop and take part in a short interview (more details are available once interviews/auditions are arranged). The audition process enables staff to judge a realistic assessment of your suitability for the qualification and awareness of the requirements for the course. Higher English and / or Higher Drama are strongly recommended but not essential. Previous performance experience, out with previous college requirements, is preferred but not essential.
You will be provided with a wide range of performance opportunities underpinned by practical training and critical thinking and analysis. Subjects include Advanced Performance Technique, Repertoire and Audition, Showcase and Performance Project.
The focus of the course is to shape and enhance your existing skills and knowledge, build your confidence, develop your business skills, and prepare you for a successful career in performing arts.
You will have opportunities to work with closely with the industry through a series of workshops, casting events and mock auditions. In the past, students have had the opportunity to work with a wide range of professionals, artistic directors and casting directors including The National Theatre of Scotland, Claire Catterson Casting, Stephen Whitson, Pearson Casting, Cumbernauld Theatre, Apollo Management, Boland and Reeve, Horsecross and Inside Out Productions.
Teaching methods include lectures, seminars and tutorial groups allowing for more in-depth discussion of the topics being studied. The course includes a large number of practical learning opportunities. These allow you to put the knowledge and experience gained in the classroom into practice in a real-life environment and better prepare you for your future career. In addition to your classes, you will also be required to undertake self-supported learning, making use of online resources and those in the Learning Resource Centre to complete independent research or work on group projects. Staff at New College Lanarkshire are fully trained in the Estill Voice Training method, with 2 full-time Estill Master Trainers working on campus.