Lanarkshire Board

Drivers of equality through education.

The Lanarkshire Region is served by two colleges of Further Education, New College Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire College and covers three local authority areas, East Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire.

The Lanarkshire Board has responsibility for ensuring the delivery of high-quality further education as set out in the Regional Outcome Agreement with the Scottish Funding Council on behalf of the Scottish Government.  Both Lanarkshire colleges have highly dedicated staff and excellent modern facilities, focused on giving students the best college learning experience.

Board papers & chair's report

Quarterly board and committee minutes provide details of what takes place at meetings of The Lanarkshire Board. Detailed minutes of each meeting have been published from January 2020.

Board and Committee Papers

Please find below links to Chair Reports for the Lanarkshire Regional Board.

Chair's report

Key dates

Contact us

If you can't locate what you're searching for, please don't hesitate to reach out to Diane McGill, Board Secretary for assistance.